better eggs
With chickens as happy as ours, it only makes sense that the resulting eggs would be of utmost quality: fresh, healthy, delicious, and safe. The end product is simply mouth-watering and it’s something you can feel good about. To us, the journey truly is just as important as the destination, and the high-quality eggs you wind up with are evidence.
egg handling process
Eggs are carefully, and promptly, collected by hand throughout the day. This serves as quality control and creates more jobs along the way. They’re then manually transported to our sales facility in Siem Reap and Phnom Penh, where they’re distributed to our customers.
When packaging the eggs for their journey to your kitchen, whether it be at an upscale restaurant or a children’s center, we avoid single-use-plastic by utilizing biodegradable boxes that are just as secure as any plastic alternative. This helps to maintain our ideal of sustainability, which we embed into every facet of our business. When all is said and done, the only long-lasting effect of our eggs is a smile.
egg facts
Our eggs are destined for a life of enjoyment. They wind up at places like boutique hotels, high-end restaurants, children’s homes, Park Hyatt’s Glasshouse and even the home of some Cambodia residents. Wherever they end up, our eggs are guaranteed to be fresher than the ones you can buy elsewhere as they go right from the farm to the kitchen.
Cambodian locals and visitors alike get to reap the benefits of our nutritious eggs, which have even been called nature’s vitamin pill. Each one contains 13 essential vitamins and minerals as well as 5-6 grams of protein, most of which is packed in the yolk. Eggscellent eggs are good for you and good for Cambodia.